Company of heros mods
Company of heros mods

company of heros mods

Calliope can now be interrupted mid-barrage.Jeep damage modifier vs motorcycle from 0.6 to 0.5 (making Jeep/Bike matchup equal to pre Jeep damage buff).OMCG now more reliable, will not give both an MG and a mortar at once, higher odds of extra rifle or M8 (removal or mortar and MG from 'step 3' of the unit pool).Blitz grenades reworked: stun effect removed, crits identical to regular gren grenades).Whermacht Officer is now purchasable from HQ (still requires T3 tech).For The Fatherland recieved damage from 0.7x to 0.8x, recieved accuracy from 0.8 to 0.75 (all weapons slightly more effective at close range but small arms less effective at long range, buff to indirect fire ie grenades/flames).LMG42 search radius increased from 5/5/4/3 to 8/8/6/4 (better vs blobs).Inspired Assault recieved accuracy penalty from 1.5x to 1.25x.Inspired Assault cost from 50mu to 40mu.Rangers now come equipped with Ranger M1 Garands instead of rifleman Garands (more accurate).Wher T4 building cost from 260mp 50fu to 200mp 50fu.Battle phase ( T4 tech) cost from 200mp 50fu to 150mp 50fu.Flammewerfer damage increased from 30 to 35.Stuh damage vs base buildings from x1.5 to x1.King Tiger and Tiger immobilzaion chance from full (green) health by mine explosion removed.Snipers now have a negative zeal radius of 20 (same as pioneer antispam) where recived accuracy modified by 1.5x for each additional sniper.Snipers will no longer automatically fire on light vehicles.Hellcat coaxial MG accuracy modifier against snipers fixed from 65 to 0.65.Flammenwerfer minimum and maximum damage equalized at 30 (previously minimum = 35 maxium = 30, illogical).BAR multiplier against Knights Cross Holders increased from 0.75 to 0.78 (corrected, incorrectly changed in 2.602).Strafe no longer usable in base sectors.ajouter des options tactiques et améliorer la profondeur en faisant des options précédemment peu attrayante, des options plus utiles, et en contrebalançant les unités et tactiques jugées « trop puissante s».résoudre tous les bugs persistants et exploits.apporter au jeu le meilleur équilibrage possible.

Company of heros mods